Thursday, February 16, 2012

Kettlebells and Grocery Lists

I love to eat.  Like most folks, I love carbs, sugar, etc.  But this week, I've started a food journal to figure out why I eat poorly and how to stop.  The journal is a simple spiral notebook, where I list breakfast, lunch and dinner.  For each veggie and fruit eaten, I include a colored foil star depicting that food's "color".  My kids are also doing this, to make sure they squeeze in the good stuff!  Try it!  Really, it's fun to track the food.  It's even more fun to think of healthy, creative ways to eat.  For instance, my lunch today was a 1/2 cup of strawberries and raisins, 4 small new potatoes (microwaved) topped with hummus, tofu and salsa.  This was very filling, and tasty.  All I can say is GET CREATIVE with the good stuff!

I've also printed out a copy of 100 Foods Dr. Oz Wants in Your Shopping Cart, a sort of cheat sheet to good eating.  He is big on frozen veggies because they are picked fresh and instantly sent to the freezer to keep the vitamins in.  He also likes canned tomatoes and tomato pastes, great sources of lycopene.  Lycopene is a cancer fighter and heart helper.  The preparation process during canning helps the lycopene become easier for our body to absorb.  All of this info is on

Dr. Oz's Shopping List from the website.

Finally, I have to plug Bob Harper's Kettlebell Workouts Cardio Shred and Sculpted Body! I'm so excited about this workout, seriously.  First off, Bob is the bomb.  We watch "The Biggest Loser" religiously and love both trainers.  However, Bob is the one I'd have on a deserted island.  He's just fantastic at what he does.  In Target the other day, his Kettlebell training DVD was staring at me from an end cap.  Something said "TAKE ME!", so I did, along with a 7 pound Kettlebell.  At home, the workout proved tough.  Sore thighs, hips, and more.  A lady even stopped me at the supermarket to ask how my biceps got so toned!  Go mommy!  Not that I want a body builder physique...  just tone.  I was hooked.  This morning, after the kids and hubby left for school and job, I drove down to Target for the 10 and 15 pound balls.  Used the 10 pounder today and FEEL IT.  Definitely try them out.  They work!

DVD image of Bob Harper's workout trailer.

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